“Show fewer properties, find the clients the right home, and close more transactions”
Having the right scripts when showing means happier clients and showing fewer homes
Some agents take pride in showing 20,30, or even 40 or more homes to find a client “just the right home”. I have never quite understood this as to me it shows that you aren’t paying attention to the clients needs. After all, would your accountant redo your taxes 20,30, or even 40 times? No! They would ask you questions to make sure they are helping you correctly.
Showing with purpose
The first step to showing fewer homes is in the way that you show properties. In fact, you shouldn’t go out to just “show” properties at all. When you are preparing to go view homes you are preparing a list of homes that the buyer can purchase. After all, we aren’t window shopping, we are actually looking for something to buy.
This may seem like a small change in your way of thought, but if you take this approach you will screen that list of homes more carefully because you are actually looking for a home that will meet all of their needs. If you need to, review your buyers consultation to find out what key features and aspects that the buyer finds the most important and find homes that meet those criteria.
Scripts to use while showing
Now we don’t want you pointing out items like wood flooring or the new cabinets, we want you to focus on questions and scripts that will help the buyer come to a decision. These questions and scripts are simple but set the foundation for a decision. The very first script you should use is on the 1st property that you view.
As you walk in the door, stop the client before they view the home and state the following:
Saying this on the first property now allows your clients to be free to walk about the property and form their opinion without any pressure. Furthermore they don’t feel like you will convince them to purchase anything because you aren’t walking them through every feature that they can already see with their own eyes!
We want you to start getting more buyers to show so you can use this new script. Try th 3 Day Course that will make buyers come in your door and be thrilled to start working with you and view fewer properties.
Get a FREE 3 Day Course on How to Convert Buyers to Appointments in under 3 Minutes
If you aren’t prepared yet to start converting as many leads as you want into clients then we have a Free 3 Day Course that will give you a sample of what the the Ultimate Buyer Script System will do for you. Learn the skills you need to start converting prospects into appointments today. Just fill in the form below and we will get you started with information you can start using immediately.
The Ultimate Buyer Script System
The buyer script system is designed to give you the tools necessary to control every step of the process in the way that you desire. You only want this system if you want to:
- Convert prospective buyers to appointments
- Get them to sign buyer contracts
- Work on your schedule
- Buy a home after seeing 5 or less properties
- Refer their friends and family to you because of the level of service you provide
- Follow your rules every time and thank you for those rules
What’s Included in This Powerful System?
The system gives you multiple tools to make sure you are prepared for the success that you are about to create for yourself.
We have three buyer script systems for you to choose from. Each system is designed to get convert buyers to appointments, get them to write offers, and have them take less of your time so you can make more money