“Discover The Methods To A Buyer Interview That Reveals Motivated Clients”
The right buyer interview saves you time
When most agents start in the business they start working with buyers. For the select few agents, they realize that NOT taking every buyer is the best way to approach the business. How do you know which buyer will be one you can work with and which one will be a total waste of time?
The Interviewer Never Faces Rejection
Businesses interview extensively when hiring for a new position. After all the company will invest time, money, and effort in the new employee so it is paramount to interview until the right candidate is found. Most businesses turn away far more prospects than they higher because they only want the very best working there.
If businesses go to this extreme when hiring employees, why don’t most real estate agents take the time to interview buyers? After all, when you take on a new buyer you are going to invest time, money, and effort into helping this new buyer find a home, right? Many agents avoid this because they don’t have enough leads or they just don’t know the questions to ask in a buyer interview. After what number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and price, there just isn’t much to talk about….or is there?
We invite you to take the next 59 seconds and discover more on how to do your buyers consultation so that you don’t ever face rejection and your buyers are thankful for you taking the time to learn more about their goals.
Taking the time to properly interview each and every buyer will save us time and we won’t face rejection, because we are the interviewer!
Buyers Application – Pg 1 (will open in new window)
This is just 1 of 4 pages used in the full application to interview buyers. Our full buyer interview form is available in our Gold and Platinum editions the Utlimate Buyer Script system.
Take our FREE 3 Day Course on How to Convert Real Estate Buyers to Appointments in under 3 Minutes
Discover the right questions to ask in a buyer interview and when on the phone in our FREE 3 day course on buyer scripts. This Free 3 Day Course that will give you a sample of what the Ultimate Buyer Script System will do for you.
We reveal the skills you need to start asking the right questions when following up whether you speak to the buyer or you have to leave a voice mail. Just fill in the form below and we will get you started with information you can start using immediately.
The Ultimate Buyer Script System
The buyer script system is designed to give you the tools necessary to control every step of the process in the way that you desire.
You only want this system if you want to:
- Convert prospective buyers to appointments without “convincing” them of anything and just asking simple questions
- Get a 90+% rate on gettting buyer contracts signed easily using our 1 page buyer agreement form
- Work on a schedule that you always dreamed of, not where you have to answer your phone at all hours of the night
- Have buyers purchase a home after seeing 5 or less properties and have them be thankful that you didn’t show them any more properties!
- Refer their friends and family to you because of the level of service you provide
- Follow your rules every time and thank you for those rules
What’s Included in This Powerful System?
The system gives you multiple tools to make sure you are prepared for the success that you are about to create for yourself.
We have three buyer script systems for you to choose from. Each system is designed to get convert buyers to appointments, get them to write offers, and have them take less of your time so you can make more money