“Discover How To Leave The Perfect Real Estate Voicemail That Gets 67.8% Of Prospects To Call You Back Within 48 hours”
Top real estate agents know that they won’t get a hold of people all the time even if they call potential clients at 3:00 am in the morning not everyone will pick up the phone. So how do you end the frustration of not getting clients to call you back? You use a voicemail script that gets your clients to call you back.
How to Craft the Perfect Voicemail Script
To create the perfect real estate voicemail you need to make sure that you are giving your prospect something that they want to hear. The message has to be about what they want. You can’t sell them on anything on this voicemail. You need to make sure that this message is so amazing that they just have to call you back.
Each voicemail that you leave needs to meet the following criteria:
- It needs to be so personal that there is no other thing that the customer wants to do except to call you back and ask for more information.
- The message needs to get them interested in what they are looking for without leaving them ALL the information that they need to take action.
- The voicemail should be LONG but not so long that they don’t listen to it so that they feel obligated to call you back and get more help from you.
Every voicemail that you leave has to follow the above criteria in order to be effective. In fact the voicemails in our real estate buyer script system have often received call back rates of 89.5% or more!
Take just 1 minute and 3 seconds by watching the video below to learn more on how you can leave a voicemail that makes buyers eager to call you back.
You Might Consider Not Being Too Helpful
The number 1 mistake that real estate agents make when they are leaving voicemails is they are literally too helpful. This may not seem like a problem but it is. One of the biggest mistakes in leaving voicemails is being too helpful.
If you leave too much information on a voicemail some of your prospects may drive the property, visit the home on an open house, and may accidentally buy with the listing agent if you leave them too much information.
Don’t leave them all the information or you will risk losing your client that you worked so hard to get.
This common buyer objection is easily handled with a question. You don’t need to go into extensive market data or comparable sales, just simply ask what price they would really like the home at. What you will find is they price they give you is often better that what you would look for in a discount!
Get a FREE 3 Day Course on How to Convert Buyers to Appointments in under 3 Minutes
If you aren’t prepared yet to start converting as many leads as you want into clients then we have a Free 3 Day Course that will give you a sample of what the Ultimate Buyer Script System will do for you.
Discover the skills you need to start converting prospects into appointments today. Just fill in the form below and we will get you started with information you can start using immediately.
The Ultimate Buyer Script System
The buyer script system is designed to give you the tools necessary to control every step of the process in the way that you desire.
You only want this system when you want to:
- Convert prospective buyers to appointments without “convincing” them of anything and just asking simple questions
- Get a 90+% rate on gettting buyer contracts signed easily using our 1 page buyer agreement form
- Work on a schedule that you always dreamed of, not where you have to answer your phone at all hours of the night
- Have buyers purchase a home after seeing 5 or less properties and have them be thankful that you didn’t show them any more properties!
- Refer their friends and family to you because of the level of service you provide
- Follow your rules every time and thank you for those rules
What’s Included in This Powerful System?
The system gives you multiple tools to make sure you are prepared for the success that you are about to create for yourself.
We have three buyer script systems for you to choose from. Each system is designed to get convert buyers to appointments, get them to write offers, and have them take less of your time so you can make more money